Can I Sell My House If I Still Owe Money On It?

Can I sell my house if I owe money on it? We often hear from homeowners who owe money on their mortgages or property taxes. We also hear from homeowners with a lien on their home, often through no fault of their own. This is a very stressful situation, especially if other circumstances require the … Continued

6 Tips On How to Sell An Empty House In Charlotte Fast!

If you own an unoccupied property, you’re probably wondering how to sell an empty house. There are many dangers that come along with owning a vacant house, but luckily for you, we have created… The Quick 6 Step Guide to make the most of your vacant house! Selling a vacant house fast is critical. Liabilities … Continued

3 Tips To Price Your House for a Quick Sale!

Some agents suggest you only get one chance to make a good first impression… To potential buyers! And this first impression is largely based on ensuring the price of your property is effective to ensure a quick sale. However, many private sellers tend to over-inflate the value of their house. The result is the property … Continued