We Buy Any House in Monroe, NC

We Buy Any House in Monroe, NC and surrounding areas.
We buy any house in Monroe, NC…if you are looking for a no-hassle selling experience, contact us for a free offer…we are a full-time homebuyer and buy houses and land in all types of condition, including:
- Absentee owners (out of town owners and landlords)
- Abandoned homes – vacant houses
- Tired landlords – burn out from evictions, broken toilets, and tenants
- Back taxes
- Tax liens or contractor liens
- Creditor judgments
- Trouble making payments – pending foreclosure – back payments
- Major repairs – foundation issues – fire or water damaged – HVAC replacement – roof replacement – electrical problems
- Inherited homes
- And more
With our owner’s background, we’re qualified to take on any house or even build a new house (browse to the right to learn more about the owner ▶ ▶ ▶).
We Buy Houses Contact
Fill our our brief form and we will be in contact within 24 hours to get your FREE offer!Benefits We Offer As a We Buy Any House Company in Monroe, NC
- We are cash buyers – no need for waiting a minimum of 30 days for mortgage approval…close fast and move on.
- We buy any house “as-is” – no expensive repairs, no cleaning, leave behind what you don’t want to move
- We’re a local family owned company – you’ll be dealing directly with the owner from day one.
- There are no realtor commissions – since we are buying directly from the seller, there is not a 3% buyer’s agent fee and there is no 3% seller’s agent fee. That’s a savings of 6% of the sales price. ($9000 for a $150,000 sales price).
- In most cases, we can cover all of the closing costs. Note that there are separate closing costs for the buyer and the seller. We will cover all the buyer closing costs, and can typically cover all of the seller costs. We also won’t be requesting any closing cost assistance.
- Depending on the moving details, sometimes we can assist with moving costs. Factors to consider include: mileage of the move, number of trips, and more.
We buy any house in Monroe, NC. If you or someone you know is looking for a local cash buyer, either call our 24-hour phone line at 704-727-6161 or fill out our easy-to-use form above. All it takes to get started is reaching out to us. We can get an appointment scheduled for a walkthrough or answer any questions you have if you would rather start there. Just let us know what we can do to help!
Want to do some more exploring? We’re a real company….Visit us through our social media:
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